1. O.B.Naimark, Defect Induced Transitions as Mechanisms of Plasticity and Failure in Multifield Continua (Review Paper), In “Advances in Multifield Theories of Continua with Substructure”, Birkhauser Boston, Inc., Eds: G.Capriz, P.Mariano, 2003, pp.75-114.
2. Naimark, O., Uvarov, S., Radford, D.D., Proud, W.G., Field, J.E., Church, P.D., Cullis, I., Andrews, T.D., The failure front in silica glasses, In: Behavior of Dense Media under High Dynamic Pressures, 2003 (A.Delpuech, ed.), v.2, pp.65-74.
3. Naimark, O.B., Collective behavior of defect ensembles and some nonlinear aspects of failure, In: Thermodynamics, Microstructures and Plasticity, NATO Science Series, v.108 (A.Finel, D.Maziere, M.Veron, eds.), Kluwer, 2003, 345-361.
4. Plekhov. O. A., Modeling of stochastic properties of fast cracks in quasi-brittle materials. Computational Materials Science.-2003.-V. 28/3-4.- pp. 462-468.
5. Plekhov O. A. The modeling o mesodefect kinetics peculiarities on a stress wave front. // J. Phys. IV. – 2003.-V 110.- pp. 75-80.
6. Barannikov V., Nikolaeva E. The effect of strain rate of dynamically loaded copper on temperature accumulation. // J. Phys. IV France. – 2003. – V. 110. – pp. 195–199.
7. Naimark O.B. and Uvarov S.V., Wave aspects of damage-failure transition and the problem of crack dynamics (experimental and theoretical study). . // J. Phys. IV France. – 2003. – V. 110. – pp. 729-734.