1. Банникова И.А., Зубарева А.Н., Уткин А.В., Уваров С.В., Наймарк О.Б. Метастабильные состояния, релаксационные механизмы и разрушения жидкостей при интенсивных воздействиях // Физическая мезомеханика. – 2016. – Т. 19, №3. – С. 69-77.
2. Davydova, M.M., Uvarov, S.V., and Naimark, O.B. Space-Time Scale Invariance under Dynamic Fragmentation of Quasi-Brittle Materials // Phys. Mesomech. – 2016. – V. 19,No.1. – Р.86-92.
3. Naimark O. Some regularities of scaling in plasticity, fracture, and turbulence// Phys. Mesomech. – 2016. – V. 19, No.3. – Р. 307-318.
4. Lyapunova E. A., Uvarov S.V., Grigoriev M.V., Kulkov S. N., Naimark O. B. Modification of the mechanical properties of zirconium dioxide ceramics by means of multiwalled carbon nanotubes // Nanosystems: physics, chemistry, mathematics. – 2016. – V.7, No.1. – P. 198–203.
5. Изюмова А.Ю., Вшивков А.Н., Прохоров А.Е., ПлеховО.А., Venkatraman B. Исследование эволюции источников тепла в процессе упругопластического деформирования титанового сплава ОТ4-0 на основе контактных и бесконтактных измерений // Вестник Пермского национального исследовательского политехнического университета. Механика. – 2016. – № 1. – С. 68–81.
6. Терехина А.И., Костина А.А., Плехов О.А. Оценка нормальных и касательных напряжений в деформируемых металлах по данным инфракрасной термографии // Вестник Пермского национального исследовательского политехнического университета. Механика. – 2016. – № 3. – С. 241–251.
7. Пантелеев И.А., Баяндин Ю.В., Наймарк О.Б. Пространственно-временные закономерности развития поврежденности при деформировании стекловолоконного тканого ламината по данным акустической эмиссии // Физическая мезомеханика. – 2016. – Т. 19. – №4. – С.64-73.
8. Гаврилов В.А., Пантелеев И.А. Влияние фильтрационных процессов в горных породах на характеристики геоакустической эмиссии // Геофизические исследования. – 2016. – Т. 17. – № 2. – С. 32-53.
9. Борняков С. А., Пантелеев И. А., Тарасова А. А. Дискретно-волновая динамика деформаций в сдвиговой зоне: результаты физического моделирования // Геодинамика и тектонофизика. – 2016. – Т. 7(2). – С. 289-302.
10. Ветошкин С.В., Баяндин Ю.В., Наймарк О.Б. Оптимизация схемы армирования композитной цилиндрической оболочки применительно к динамическим условиям нагружения // Diagnostics, resource and mechanics of materials and structures. - 2016. - No 3. - С. 40-45.
11. Davydova M., Uvarov S. Scaling laws of structure and fragmentation parameters of ZrO2 ceramics // Procedia Structural Integrity. – 2016. – V.2. – P.1936-1943.
12. Naimark O. More singular? Self-similar dynamics of damage localization and instability in dynamic fracture // Procedia Structural Integrity. – 2016. – V.2. – P.342-349.
13. Oborin V., Sokovikov M., Bilalov D., Naimark O. Multiscale study of morphology of the fracture surface aluminum- magnesium alloy with consecutive dynamic and gigacycle loading // Procedia Structural Integrity. – 2016. – V.2. – P.1063-1070.
14. Naimark O., Palin-Luc T. Gigacycle fatigue: non-local and scaling aspects of damage localization, crack initiation and propagation // Procedia Structural Integrity. – 2016. – V.2. – P.1143-1148.
15. Bannikova I., Naimark O., Uvarov S. Transition from multi-center fracture to fragmentation statistics under intensive loading // Procedia Structural Integrity. – 2016. – V.2. – P.1944-1950.
16. Froustey C., Panteleev I., Lyapunova E., Naimark O. Defect induced shear instability and ASB failure in metals // Procedia Structural Integrity. – 2016. – V.2. – P.1959-1966.
17. Bilalov D., Sokovikov M., Bayandin Yu., Chudinov V., Oborin V., Naimark O. Numerical simulation of plastic strain localization and failure mode transition in metals under dynamic loading // Procedia Structural Integrity. – 2016. – V.2. – P.1951-1958.
18. Plekhov O. Naimark O., Narykova M., Kadomtsev A., Betechtin V. Study of Dissipation Properties and Structure Evolution in Metals with Different Grain Size under HCF and VHCF Loadings // Procedia Structural Integrity. – 2016. – Vol. 2. – P. 2084-2090.
19. Bannikov M.V., Naimark O.B. Damage evolution in metals under the gigacycle fatigue loading due to the contact with surface-active liquid // Procedia Structural Integrity. – 2016. – Vol. 2. – P. 1071–1076.
20. Iziumova A., Vshivkov A., Prokhorov A., Kostina A. and Plekhov O. The study of energy balance in metals under deformation and failure process // Quantitative InfraRed Thermography Journal. – 2016. – V. 13, No 2. – P. 242-256.
21. Lyapunova E., Nikituk A., Bayandin Y., Naimark O., Rianna C., Radmacher M. Passive microrheology of normal and cancer cells after ML7 treatment by atomic force microscopy// AIP conference proceedings. – 2016. – V.1760. – P.020046.
22. Naimark O.B., Nikitiuk A.S., Baudement M.-O., Forne T., Lesne A. The physics of cancer: The role of epigenetics and chromosome conformation in cancer progression // AIP Conference Proceedings. – 2016. – V.1760. – P. 020051.
23. Gerasimova-Chechkina E., Toner B., Marin Z., Audit B., Roux S.G., Argoul F., Khalil A., Gileva O., Naimark O., Arneodo A. Combining multifractal analyses of digital mammograms and infrared thermograms to assist in early breast cancer diagnosis // AIP Conference Proceedings. – 2016. – V. 1760. – P. 020018.
24. Gerasimova-Chechkina E., Toner B, Marin Z., Audit B., Roux S.G., Argoul F., Khalil A., Gileva O., Naimark O., Arneodo A. Comparative multifractal analysis of dynamic infrared thermograms and X-ray mammograms enlightens changes in the environment of malignant tumors // Frontiers in physiology. – 2016. – Vol. 7. – P. 336 (1–15).
25. Naimark O. Energy release rate and criticality of multiscale defects kinetics//International Journal of Fracture. –2016. – P.1-9.
26. Plekhov O., Prokhorov A., Naimark O., Narykova M., Kadomtsev A., Betechtin V. The study of dilatation evolution and elastic properties degradation in metals under deformation in gigacycle fatigue regime // Engineering Fracture Mechanics. – 2016. – V.167. – P. 273–283.
27. Bannikova I., Uvarov S. Naimark O. The effect of initial porosity of a sample under electric explosion loading // AIP Conference Proceedings. – 2016. – V.1785. – P.040003.
28. Saveleva N., Bayandin Yu., Naimark O. Simulation of the deformation behavior and spall failure of an aluminum alloy under shock-wave loading // AIP Conference Proceedings. – 2016. – V.1785. – P.040058.
29. Lyapunova E.A., Davydova M.M., Zaitzev D.V., Panfilov P.E. Statistical Regularities of Alumina Fragmentation Under Uniaxial Compression at Room and Liquid Nitrogen Temperatures // AIP Conference Proceedings. – 2016. – V.1785. – P.040033.
30. Uvarov S.V., Davydova M.M., Chudinov V.V. Energy Absorption and Strength of Ceramics with Different Porosity under Dynamic Loading // AIP Conference Proceedings. – 2016. – V.1785. – P.030033.
31. Sokovikov M.A., Bilalov D.A., Oborin V.A., Chudinov V.V., Uvarov S.V., Naimark O.B. Structural and Mechanical Aspects of the Formation of Adiabatic Shear Bands under Dynamic Loading and during Target Perforation // AIP Conference Proceedings. – 2016. – V.1785. – P.040073.
32. Mekhonoshina T.G., Sokovikov M.A, Bayandin Yu.V., Naimark O.B. Numerical Modeling of Perforation of a Two-Layer Ceramic-Metal Target // AIP Conference Proceedings. – 2016. – V.1785. – P.040037.
33. Bannikov M., Naimark O. The Liquid Metal Embrittlement Effect in Armko-Iron During High and Gigacycle Fatigue Loading // AIP Conference Proceedings. – 2016. – V.1785. – P.030003.
34. Bilalov D.A., Sokovikov M.A., Bayandin Yu.V., Chudinov V.V., Oborin V.A. and Naimark O.B. Numerical and Experimental Studies of Strength Characteristics of Aluminum Alloys Under Penetration of Barrier // AIP Conference Proceedings. – 2016. – V.1785. – P.040009.
35. Oborin V., Bachurikhin V., Sokovikov M., Bilalov D., Naimark O. Structural and mechanical investigation of the estimating reliability of aluminum alloys with consecutive dynamic and gigacycle loading // AIP Conference Proceedings. – 2016. – V.1785. – P.030019.
36. Bayandin Yu., Panteleev I., Zhitnikova K. and Naimark O. Numerical Simulation of Deformation and Failure of Orthotropic Composite Materials loading // AIP Conference Proceedings. – 2016. – V.1785. – P.040007.
37. Prokhorov A.E., Plekhov O.A. The application of the fluxgate method for the investigation of fracture under very high cycle fatigue // AIP Conference Proceedings. – 2016. – V.1785. – P.030023.
38. Zhelnin M., Iziumova A., Plekhov O. Determining the thermal constant of metals by infrared thermography // AIP Conference Proceedings. – 2016. – V.1785. – P.040095.
39. Terekhina A., Plekhov O. Evaluation of quasistatic and dynamic strength of components with stress concentrators based on the theory of critical distances // AIP Conference Proceedings. – 2016. – V.1785. – P.040087.
40. Iziumova A., Vshivkov A., Prokhorov A., Kostina A., Plekhov O. Peculiarities of energy dissipation at a fatigue crack tip in metals // AIP Conference Proceedings. – 2016. – V.1785. – P.020001.
41. Sokovikov M.A, Chudinov V.V., Bilalov D.A., Oborin V.A., Uvarov S.V., Plekhov O.A., Bayandin Yu.V., Naimark O.A. Mechanical and microstructural aspects of localized plastic flow // Solid State Phenomena. – 2016. – Vol.243. – P.113-120.
42. Bilalov D.A., Sokovikov M.A., Chudinov V.V., Oborin V.A., Bayandin Yu.V., Terekhina A.I., Naimark O.B. Studying Plastic Shear Localization in Aluminum Alloys Under Dynamic Loading // Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. - 2016. - Vol. 57, No. 7. - P. 67–75.
43. Korobenkov M.V., Kulkov S.N., Naymark O.B., Khorechko U.V., Ruchina A.V. Deformation and Damage Accumulation in a Ceramic Composite under Dynamic Loading // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. – 2016. – V.112. – P. 012044.